
Graduation Ceremonies

At the end of every academic year, more than 100 students graduate from the DA's programmes. Graduation ceremonies take place at the DA, the University of Vienna and TU Wien.


Graduation Ceremonies 2024

60th Diploma Programme

26 June 2024, Diplomatische Akademie Wien


Graduation Ceremony of the 60th Diploma Programme


Graduation Ceremony of the 60th Diploma Programme (© DA/Peter Lechner)

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16th MSc ETIA programme

27 June 2024, Diplomatische Akademie Wien

27th MAIS programme

27 June 2024, University of Vienna


Graduation Ceremonies 2022 & 2023

59th Diploma Programme

29 June 2023, Diplomatische Akademie Wien

58th Diploma Programme

29 June 2022, Diplomatische Akademie Wien

15th MSc ETIA programme

22 June 2023, TU Wien

14th MSc ETIA programme

30 June 2022, TU Wien

26th MAIS programme

29 June 2023, University of Vienna

25th MAIS programme

30 June 2022, University of Vienna

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