The event series "(Re)imagining freedom of expression in postdigital societies" brings together scholars, artists, cultural workers and activists to discuss freedom of expression in the context of digitalisation. At a historical moment when private actors, such as big tech companies, have become key players in reshaping public space and discourse, it is essential to reflect together on the values, purposes, and limits of freedom of expression. Which intellectual means, which technical and legal infrastructures best serve the needs of democratic societies?
The exchange between academics and practitioners aims to gather and document multiple perspectives on freedom of expression in the following areas:
1. Memory & Identity (7 April 2025, 6:30 pm @ Diplomatische Akademie Wien)
2. Youth Cultures (2 June 2025, 6:00 pm @ Diplomatische Akademie Wien)
3. AI & Creativity (8 October 2025 @ Postsparkasse/ÖUK)