Executive Training Programmes

The DA organises a broad range of programmes for government institutions, international organisations, universities and companies.

The DA's Executive Training Programmes offer:

Wide range of topics - Broad international audience - Research and dialogue

The DA's many years of experience as a centre of academic excellence, together with its emphasis on the training of soft skills, form the basis of its high profile as a provider of training programmes on diplomacy, international and European affairs as well as specialised language courses. Vienna, a capital of rich cultural heritage and home to numerous international organisations such as the UN, IAEA, UNIDO, CTBTO, OSCE and OPEC, provides the ideal environment for the implementation of the tailor-made trainings offered at the DA.

The DA organises a broad range of Executive Training Programmes for public officials and diplomats from Southeast Europe, the Black Sea region/South Caucasus, as well as from Africa, Central Asia and the Caribbean.

Tailor-made programmes are created at the specific request of governments, international organisations, universities and companies. These seminars and modules are organised in Vienna and abroad, preparing participants for international leadership roles.

The DA trains public officials for the specific tasks they face when their country holds the EU Council Presidency; additionally, consultancy services are provided to governments establishing or reforming diplomatic training institutes.

Summer Schools or training modules on International Affairs are offered to academics and researchers from all over the world, and organised in cooperation with international universities.

As part of a European research network the DA has acquired a high level of competence in the increasingly important field of science diplomacy and has developed trainings in this field.

A team of highly experienced and dedicated project managers stands ready to design and implement these programmes to fulfil the individual requirements of its clients.


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EU-Crashkurs (© NoName_13 auf Pixabay)

Möchten Sie sich optimal auf den EU-Wissens-Teil des EPSO-Auswahlverfahrens vorbereiten? Unser neuer Kurs vermittelt fundierte Kenntnisse, die für eine erfolgreiche Tätigkeit im EU-Umfeld unerlässlich sind.
(30. April - 16. Juli 2025)

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International Affairs

© DA/Peter Lechner

Training programme focusing on European integration and international affairs, tailored to the needs of public officials and junior diplomats from Southeast Europe with special emphasis on gender equality and women's empowerment
(14 - 25 July 2025)

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EU Policy Making

© DA

Intensive two-week Inter-University Summer School on EU Policy Making organised by the Brussels School of Governance at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Vienna School of International Studies
(30 June - 11 July 2025)

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Summer Course 2025

© DA/Pilo Pichler

The Summer Course offers intensive German classes for learners of all levels. Classes are taught in small groups by a team of highly experienced trainers specially qualified for teaching “German as a Foreign Language”.
(4 - 23 August 2025)

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Martina Schubert (© BMEIA/Michael Gruber)

"It is never too late to learn more, especially in the complex world we are living in today. The Executive Training Programmes, seminars and language courses of the DA are the perfect tool for professionals from both the public and private sectors, who are looking for tailor-made trainings to improve and expand their know-how and to equip them with the necessary skills to best manage the many different tasks in the field of international relations."

Martina Schubert
Deputy Director and Head of Executive Training Programmes, Vienna School of International Studies