Executive Training Programmes

The Executive Training Programmes of the Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies include special courses, summer schools and seminars centering, above all, on EU-specific topics. The programmes are shaped to fit the individual interests and needs of the different groups (diplomats, public administration members, international universities, companies, etc.). Furthermore, the DA offers support and training for states preparing for their upcoming EU presidencies as well as Capacity Development projects.

Executive Seminars

Executive Seminars are a new series of training programmes tailored to the needs of working professionals from all sectors, including government, finance, trade, investments, technology and energy.

2023: Negotiation Strategy for International Affairs

Language Training

Summer Course for German Language and Austrian Studies

The annual Summer Course, first organised in 1997, offers intensive German classes for learners of all levels. Classes are taught in small groups by a team of highly experienced trainers specially qualified for teaching “German as a Foreign Language”.

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Online-Intensivkurs „Deutsch für Diplomatie und Verwaltung“

In diesem neuen Online-Kurs vermittelt Lydia Moschinger anhand authentischer Texte Verständnisstrategien und erarbeitet nötige Kenntnisse für Kommunikationssituationen in Konsulaten und Behörden.

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Cours de préparation au DFP RI (Diplôme de Français professionnel des relations internationales)

Le Diplôme de français professionnel des relations internationales a été créé à la demande du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international et de l´Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. Le DFP RI est un diplôme professionnalisant, internationalement reconnu et valable à vie.

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Summer and Winter Schools

Jean Monnet Summer School on EU Policy Making

The intensive two-week Jean Monnet Summer School on EU Policy Making is held one week in Brussels and one week in Vienna each summer. It allows students to explore both the old and the new centre of diplomacy in Europe. The Brussels School of Governance joins forces with the Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies to offer this 'crash course' in European Union Policy Making.

Course held annually since 2004

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Jean Monnet Online Winter School on EU Policy Making

The Winter School builds on the long-standing expertise of the (offline) Summer School that the IES and its partners have been organising for almost 20 years. Other than being taught fully online, the second main difference with its ‘Summer sibling’ is the focus area of the Winter edition: analysing digital rights and diplomacy in today’s EU.

Course held annually from 2021 to 2023

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School of Modern Diplomacy

This programme, organised by United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) and Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies and in collaboration with Department of Foreign Affairs of Flanders, Ghent University and the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG/VUB), aims to present the most comprehensive, in-depth analysis of and training in modern diplomacy, gaining insights from practitioners, academics and policymakers at the forefront of their fields and operating at the highest levels, on the different facets of modern diplomacy and how they are being employed the world over to shape ideas, discussion and the world we live in.

Course held in: 2022 | 2021 | 2020

Executive Training Programmes "European and International Affairs"

The Executive Training Programmes on "European and International Affairs", organised by the Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies (DA), are tailored to the needs of public officials and junior diplomats from different regions (see below) and address important issues in European integration and international affairs. They are designed to familiarise participants especially with the workings of the EU. To that end it is important to understand the complicated structures and decision-making processes with the EU as well as concepts underlying specific EU policies and programmes.

Programmes have been organised for public officials and junior diplomats from

  • Africa (most recently in 2023)
  • Black Sea Region and South Caucasus (most recently in 2024)
  • Caribbean (CARIFORUM member states) (most recently in 2022)
  • Western Balkans/Southeast Europe (most recently in 2025)

Online Training Programmes for Strengthening Female Leadership in the Public Service

This programme, organised by the Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies, is tailored to the needs of female public officials holding or aspiring to leadership positions. It is designed to familiarise participants especially with the international framework in place to safeguard women’s rights and gender equality, which is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, participants take part in highly interactive workshops targeted at developing their practical skills as women leaders.

Course held for Africa (2021), Black Sea Region and South Caucasus (2022), Libya (2021), Palestine (2022, 2021), Southeast Europe (2022), Palestine & Libya (2023) as well as Southeast Europe and Black Sea/South Caucasus (2024).

Women's Empowerment Programmes

The Women’s Empowerment Programmes are jointly organised by the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC) and the Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies (DA). They foster capacity and action among young women leaders to leverage the power of education to promote justice and the rule of law, while strengthening their leadership skills to act for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants are awarded Global Citizen Fellowships, covering their participation in the WEP.

So far, WEPs have been organised for young women from:

  • 2021-22 | Latin America (Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru)
  • 2019 | GCC (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE)
  • 2019 | Asia (Afghanistan, Mongolia, Cambodia, Korea)