
© DA/Daniel Novotny
© DA/Sybil Bitter
© DA/Daniel Novotny
© DA/Martina Sebastian

da.link career services

Developing one's career is a long and stressful, yet eventually very rewarding process. To add to its excellent academic training, the Vienna School of International Studies offers a broad range of opportunities for students and alumni to actively prepare themselves for their chosen international careers. da.link, the DA’s career services programme, is tailored to our students’ and alumni’s individual needs and career choices.

In close co-operation with its alumni association, club.da, the DA organises an annual career day, weekly career talks and lunches, skills seminars and workshops and individual counselling sessions. In addition, online services including the networking and career platform da.connect offer a job board, networking and mentoring opportunities.


For more information on our services feel free to contact us at career@da-vienna.ac.at.

da.link career counselling

Throughout the academic year, both DA staff and professors offer students individual counselling and support to …

  • analyse their own ideas and interests in order to facilitate their search for a suitable job in a goal-oriented way;
  • research job descriptions, possible employers and successful alumni careers;
  • put together unique and convincing application papers;
  • develop a personal strategy for acquiring new experiences and improving their individual skills;
  • implement these strategies by applying for internships and jobs.


da.link career talks and lunches

Targeted events for career planning in the form of workshops, lectures, presentations and discussions allow students to make direct contact with leading representatives from the worlds of diplomacy, politics, business, culture, international organisations and NGOs. In this regard, the DA draws mainly on its large network of DA alumni.

Formal and informal meetings with DA alumni working for international organisations located in Vienna (UN, OSCE, IAEA, CTBTO etc.) and abroad, for EU institutions or for international enterprises, banks or consultancy firms are an integral part of da.link.



da.link career skills

To help students prepare individually for job interviews, the DA offers skills training in communication, presentation and negotiation techniques, simulations of job interviews and assessment centres, and how to prepare CVs in English, French and German. The quality of DA students’ applications in comparison to others frequently makes the decisive difference.

In addition, practice-oriented seminars and workshops on project, event and crisis management, public diplomacy, (journalistic) writing, protocol, etc. help students to develop additional professional and personal competences that are essential for a successful career.


da.link career day

At the initiative of the DA’s alumni association, club.da, CEOs, department heads and high-ranking HR managers from highly renowned international organisations, NGOs and the private sector have been invited to an annual da.link career day since 2013.

During the course of this 'professional speed dating', the representatives sit down and talk with DA students about their career plans. A wide range of advice is given, experience is shared, and jobs, internship positions and follow-up meetings are offered.

The next da.link career day will take place on Wednesday, 12 March 2025.


da.link career day 2024: Gallery

21 MAR

da.link career day 2024


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da.link career day 2024 (© DA/Sybil Bitter)

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